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In 2019, Drupal was planning for the End of Life of Drupal 7 to be in November of 2021. This would mean Drupal 7 would have reached its EOL 1 decade into its service. Fast forward a few years, and the latest release for Drupal is Drupal 10. However, Drupal 7 has yet to reach its end of life. Even Drupal 8 has officially reached its end of life. 

PHP 8.0 was released nearly 2 years ago and the support for PHP 7 has come to an end. Over 60% of all websites built with PHP-based systems still use PHP 7. When you combine the fact that WordPress is built with PHP and WordPress powers 40% of all websites worldwide, this is particularly huge for the whole internet community.

With everything being so much faster than it used to be, the average internet user’s attention span and patience are significantly reduced. If a web page takes too long to load, not only does that impact your search engine score and make it less likely to be visited, but also gives a negative impression to the users, and the user might even decide to leave the website and go for a competitor's website. Therefore, the most critical resources should be loaded first, and the rest should be delayed. In order to implement that, we can use the lazy loading feature.

Drupal 9 was released in June of 2020, 5 years after the release of Drupal 8. However, you might have heard that Drupal 10 is tentatively coming in June 2022. This might sound confusing especially if you only recently upgraded your website to Drupal 9. The good news is that if you are currently on Drupal 9, the upgrade would most likely be painless and smooth.

There are many reasons why Drupal is a powerful content management system. Drupal is an open-source no licence fee platform, it is flexible, scalable, and works well with large amounts of content. One of the best features out of the box from Drupal is the Drupal views feature. In this article, we will talk about how views can be utilized and how complex they can go.

Headless Drupal, has been utilized in many applications. In this article, we will go through the details of decoupled Drupal, discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of using headless Drupal and talk about who should consider working with headless Drupal.

The official Drupal 9 has released. The end of life for Drupal 7 has been extended to November 2022, but Drupal 8 end of life remains to be November 2021. The good news is that upgrading to Drupal 9 from Drupal 8 is a much smoother process than upgrading Drupal 7 to Drupal 8. If you are thinking about upgrading your website to Drupal 9, this article is for you.

As we are about to wrap up 2020, we asked our team members some questions...

Jack - Sales Engineer

What is your morning routine on a workday?

  • Wake up.
  • Check stocks.
  • Drive to work.

Yes, it is that simple.

Default beverage at work?

Some kind of tea.

What do you love the most about the work you do?

I like solving practical problems and there’s nothing but practical problems to solve here.

In the world of content management systems (CMS), there is no one solution for all. Choosing the right CMS is a very important step towards developing a website. This article provides the reasons why Drupal might be the CMS choice for you.

Acquia Cohesion is a Drupal website builder that lets you create all the visual aspects of a website, such as a layout, theme, templates, blocks, components. All within the browser with easy to use drag-and-drop UI.