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Throughout the world, most municipal governments have their own websites. Do you have a municipal website? Is it as well-designed as you’d like it to be? Does it contain the right information?

Read on to learn more about how your municipal website should look and function. You’ll also get some helpful tips on how you can design it to meet your needs.

Sometimes a project moves in different directions despite it's intended origins, in this article we're not going to discuss when to use Acquia Lightning, as there are many instances when this may well be the best approach, but we are going to discuss how to remove Acquia Lightning should your project decide to take a different fork in the path, so to speak.

Before we can begin, however, we need to ensure that your Acquia Lightning project meets the following criteria:

If you’re part of the web designer/developer world, chances are you’ve heard of dark patterns and dark pattern design. You might be familiar with the term, but you might also have questions about what this type of design is, what it looks like, and why you need to know about it.

Do any of these questions spark your interest? If so, read on to learn everything you need to know about dark pattern design.

Approximately 1.8 billion people throughout the world shop online each year. As the years go on, that number is only going to grow, too.

Are you getting ready to launch an eCommerce business of your own? Have you been wondering which CMS (short for Content Management Software) to use?

It’s a new year and a new decade. January 2020 isn’t just for hitting the gym and filling in your fresh planner pages, though. It also ushers in the introduction of the new California Consumer Privacy Act (or CCPA for short). 

As of January 1, 2020, CCPA is in effect. Many people, especially business owners, have been preparing for this for a while now. Some are still getting all their ducks in a row, though.

Approximately 55 percent of marketers say that creating blog content is their top priority when it comes to inbound marketing. Is blog content creation a priority for your business in 2020? Do you even have a blog at all? 

If the answer to that last question is “no”, it’s time to change that. Blogging is essential if you want your business to continue growing and thriving in 2020 and beyond.

The Drupal community is home to more than 1 million developers and designers from all over the world.

Are you working on a Drupal website right now? Whether it’s for yourself for a client, if you’re new to Drupal, you might experience some confusion or run into trouble along the way to creating your finished product. Luckily, you can avoid a lot of potential roadblocks if you know what to expect throughout the website development and design process.